
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Big Boy Bed!

 Helping Daddy clean before the big move.  They moved the crib to the other side of the room.  So there is a "Big Boy Bed" and as Finnean calls it..."the baby's bed!"  Once we get the chair out of there-we will have plenty of room! 
 He helped Daddy "make" the bed.  He has been telling me how he "maked it with Daddy" since that got it set up.  He is so proud!
So big!!!  It has been going pretty well sleeping in the big boy bed.  He is a little nervous right when he goes down but sleeps through the night.  We have had a few incidents, you could call them, that I have listed below.  Cute but my goodness that boy is silly!
  1. One night I went down to check on him and he was curled up in a ball on the floor like a little peanut.  I put him back in bed and then next morning asked him why he was on the floor.  He told me that his Hippo fell down and bumped his head.  So either he fell out (which we don't think so) OR he got down trying to save his Hippo and fell asleep while he was down there.
  2. The other night we heard a noise from Finnean's room so Michael went to check on him.  I heard Michael yelling for me to come down and check it out over the monitor.  There was Finnean proud as a peacock sitting in his chair playing with his magna-doodle.  He said "I draw a dinosaur!"  The toy was in the play room so he had to go out of his room and into the next to get it and while he was in there he got his golf clubs...I guess that was next on his list of things to do.  He also turned on his touch lamp, turned up his heater and put his iPod under his chair.  He was very busy and very quiet I might add!! 
  3. So he likes to turn up his heater and we have told him not to time and time again.  He knows he shouldn't but can't resist.  I heard him rustling around yesterday morning about 5:30am...we don't get up that early here!!! So I let him be because I didn't hear anything else.  I went to check on him about 7 and he was sound asleep.  Apparently when he was up at 5:30 he turned on the light and turned up his heater.  When he finally woke up about 8 he looked at me with the sweetest little face and said..."I am nice and warm!"  Of course he was!!
  4. Today I heard him after nap and I don't usually run down at the first sound but maybe I need to.  I found him standing on top of TWO storage totes and a box of wipes.  He was up about 6 feet in the air!!!  I must have had a scared face because he started crying right when I got there.  I think he was stuck....little dare devil couldn't stop crying because he was so scared.  Obviously we need to move those totes but I didn't know he was so brave and I hope that it scared him enough so he will not climb up on anything again!!!

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