
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tonsillitis...on the first day of school!?

Sometimes things just don't go according to our plan. Finnean woke up on Sunday and was beat.  We thought he was just wiped from the day before but he slept for the entire day.  9 am to 5 pm!!  He had a little fever, so we just let him rest and then he slept all night.  Yesterday he was fine and we picnicked and then the neighbors came over for an easy dinner.  The boys played but nothing to exhausting but right before bed Finnean said that his throat hurt when he swallowed.  It hurt for good reason, Michael looked and said it looks like he has a canker sore on his throat.  I looked and his tonsils were HUGE and covered in little blisters...obviously Michael doesn't have any experience with swollen tonsils ;)  We gave him some Tylenol and he was down for the night.  We were SUPPOSED to be getting good sleep so he could go to preschool in the morning but instead we were off to Urgent Care. 

Thankfully we didn't have to wait and Finnean was seen quickly.  They did a strep test (which is THE WORST!) and confirmed it wasn't strep.  The doctor said all kinds of things can cause tonsillitis and let's try some antibiotics.  The part that is the scariest...he said Finnean is REALLY, SUPER contagious and said that about five times.   So here's to hoping we all don't get sick and to a quick recovery.  He just wants to go to school, hopefully he can go on Thursday!

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