
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cutest Hide and Seek ever.

While Finnean was at school today, Hutchinson asked if I wanted to play Hide and Seek.  Sure, how can you resist that sweet, tiny voice?  I asked him if he wanted me to count and he said, "No, Hutchy count." (while he was hiding in the closet, mind you)  So he counted to five and then burst out of the closet, giggling already.  He starts yelling, "Mom, where are you? Where are you, Mom" The whole time, when he found me, his face lit up and bust out laughing.  "Again, Mom, you hide again!"  He would start to get worried he couldn't find me right away, you could hear it in his voice.  He always would look in my previous hiding spot to make sure I wasn't there but each time he found me, that smile that just melts my heart would erupt on his tiny little face.  He was so excited and then he would say, "one more time?" as he walked back to his counting place.  Just a snippet of something that I don't ever want to forget.  My job is pretty amazing.

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