
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Packers Game!!

The Packers had there season opener on 9.13.09. Finnean knew it was a night game so he had to take a nap!

Finnean trying to figure out what Jerry is doing!

He is getting so fast!!!

Finnean didn't even make it up for the game, it was just too late! This is him on his way down to bed!

Finnean had a great day at our friend Matt and Kelcee's house. They watched him while we clean, clean, CLEANED every inch of our house!!! We wiped down walls, cleaned baseboards and scrubbed floors (all of these are much easier when you don't have a little football star crawling all over...thank you Kelcee and Matt!) All of this was in preparation to get our carpets professional cleaned and for the longest day the above post!

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