
Monday, May 20, 2013

Beautiful little Monday with a side of Urgent Care.

Today was just fun.  Some days are hard.  Some days are super hard but today was just a really good day.  We slept in (loving this no school thing!) and then started playing!  We built a fort, played "kitchen", went outside and then had an early lunch so we could get to the zoo.  The sun was SO warm and sunny-just a perfect day! Then it got a little crazy at the are some pictures from our adventure!
I love Hutchinson's expressions!  These were all taking within seconds of each other!  Silly boy loves to dance (even without music) and always seems to have a beat in his head! 

Hutchinson LOVES the zoo.  He has so much fun checking out the animals and I think he just likes being old!  It is member appreciation month, so the boys got get something extra today!  Hutchinson picked "Ba-Man" for his special treat!
Finnean picked face can you pass up Spidey!?
Monday is FREE train ride day at the zoo for we love Mondays at the zoo!
The boys LOVE watching the animals from the train.  Highlights today were seeing the lions sleeping with their legs in the air and hearing the watusi's moo when we went by!  Hutchinson spends most of his time saying "choo choo!" Finnean spends most of his time spying...everything! 

We hit up the Sculpture Park on our way home from the zoo.  Michael had a 6 pm meeting, so it was nice to see him for a bit after work.  The sky was crazy blue.  The clouds were perfect and the Sculpture Park has this lush, thick green grass...perfect for exploring.  The hill by the Nomad is always a favorite and both boys spent most of their time running up and down it (well, Finnean rolls down).  Have I mentioned that I LOVE this city?
I snapped this picture while STOPPED at a stop light.  This crazy cloud was rolling in.  Little did we know that there was some nasty weather heading our way. 
After we got back from the city, it got crazy.  We just got in the door and Finnean fell down the stairs and hit his head on the trunk at the bottom of our steps.  I didn't see it but he was screaming like crazy.  At first I just thought he was over reacting (like normal) and then saw some blood on his arm.  I got him to the bathroom but he wouldn't let me look at it.  He was still screaming and I found a good sized goose egg and a little scrap.  I thought that must be it.  I got him calmed down and got them some dinner...THEN the storm sirens started going off.  We were under a tornado warning...really!? AGAIN!  The boys needed baths anyways, so we head to the basement bathroom again, just to be safe.  When I was washing Finnean's hair I found some more blood and the HOLE IN HIS HEAD!  Michael was still at his meeting, so I couldn't take him in to the Urgent Care right we just finished up our routine and waited for him to get home.  Thankfully the storm passed and I got Hutchinson to bed.  Finnean happily watched The Backyardigans and then we headed to the doctor.
This is how we decided to keep the "boo-boo" pack on :)
The sky was CRAZY on the way to the doctor.  I snapped this one when we got there.  Finnean kept saying, look at those clouds!  Part of the sky was bright blue, another this pink and then the other crazy dark and stormy!  We got to see a lot of lighting, which was a great distraction!  We also saw a rainbow and Finnean knows that Jesus makes those after the rain, so he really liked that! 

There weren't too many people at the Urgent Care but we you tell them there is a hole in your kid's head, you get right in.  They told us we needed the one staple, just to make sure it didn't open back up.  Finnean was a champ!  He didn't mind them putting the numbing gel on and didn't even flinch at the staple.  I did, it was GROSS!!  The worse part is when she showed me the hole in his literally was a puncture in his head...ick.  THEN the doctor realized he hasn't had his tetanus booster and she recommended getting it.  He is strong!! I had to hold down his upper body while the two nurses gave him the shot.  The nurse said he would be sore tomorrow because of how tight he had his musles flexed!  Silly boy.  After that trauma, he had to be carried the car...


...but as you can see, a stop at Sonic made him feel a lot better.  He is sleeping soundly now and I am exhausted.  I thought for sure that Hutchinson would be the first to get a staple or stitches but Finnean proved me wrong tonight.  Life with boys will never be dull.  I am just thankful that I get to experience it and now I can check staples off the list of things to witness! 





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