
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wedneday fun!

I am thankful that today was a much happier day.  No time outs, no grumps, no staples.  It was cold and dreary, so we had the make the most of an inside day.  Thankfully, I got to iron the crap of some clothes!  I despise ironing BUT my handsome, hard-working husband needs to look crisp.  I always feel like a super hero when I iron a whole bunch of clothes.  You should too.   :)
Our morning started off like this...can you see his grumpy face?  Yes, he is eating macaroni and cheese for breakfast because that is what he did NOT eat for supper last night.  I felt terrible but he just dinked around the whole time at dinner, so I took a stand.  My neighbor gave me the idea and I thought I would give it a shot!  He declared that he did NOT like macaroni and cheese for breakfast.  Who knows if it will actually work and that he will eat in the future (we had pancakes tonight-he ALWAYS eat those!) but it was worth a shot :)  

Finnean has been really in to playing "kitchen."  He tells me what to cook, Hutchinson delivers it to him (after adding a sprinkle of imaginary something) and then Finnean takes people's money and gives them their food.  So today I suggested playing grocery store.  They LOVED it!  I love when I have a good idea :)  First, we found all the containers and boxes from our recycling and put them out on the kitchen floor.  Finnean made a cash register with the little couch and Hutchinson was his first customer!  Finnean told me I had to pay with my gift card.  Man, I wish I had a gift card for groceries!!!  Then it was time for Hutchinson and me to be the cashier and I showed Hutch how to scan the groceries.  He made the cutest little BEEEEP and happily bagged the groceries for "BoBo" to take with him.  After they tired of that, they stacked all the containers and then after that we added sprinkles to the peanut jars and they became perfect shakers!  Those boys LOVE to make noise, I mean music!  They had so much fun and kept them entertained for most of the morning!
After naps we headed outside for a chilly walk with Jerry and some outside time.  They can't get enough time outside.  Golf was the thing to do today and I am amazed how far Finnean can hit it!  When we got back in, we timed it perfectly for Curious George to be on PBS.  That show saves me.  Yes, I use TV as a babysitter.  Look at them...completely mesmerized!  I have exactly 26 minutes to get supper ready and I better not take any longer than that! 

Michael was still gone until later tonight (home now-thank goodness!!), so we headed to the library for a little change in scenery.  I LOVE the library in the evening.  It is so quiet and there are not any other children there...perfect for just relaxing.  I can read the paper and the boys just do this the WHOLE time.  They have so much fun! 


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