
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last day of preschool...

Whoa...I have mixed feelings about this.  LAST DAY of school for this year!  Where does the time go?  I just have know idea how nine months flies by so quickly.  Finnean had a little celebration today at his school and he was just about the cutest thing!  He has grown so much this past year and has learned so much.  His favorite part of school was cooking days and playing outside, that is what his teacher said anyway.  He always loved going to school and LOVED playing with his little friends.  Towards the end of the year, he started saying he didn't want to go to school anymore.  I asked his teacher if anything had changed or if he acted like he didn't like school when we was there and she didn't have any concerns about it.  She did say that ALL of the little girls were quite interested in him and he has become quite the ladies man!! WHAT!?  He is too young for girls to be chasing him!!  I did feel better when one of the mom's told me the reason her daughter told her that she liked Finnean is because he is always really nice to her and plays with her...AWWW!  So sweet!  So at least he a nice boy and all that work at home of reminding him to be polite and respect is going to school!  He just makes my heart swell and his face today was priceless when he was doing the Hokey Pokey with his 6 little friends!  He was definitely the silliest dancer on the floor!  We are so proud of this little guy and he has worked hard at being a great friend! 
Grandma Lisa was able to come too!  She was in Ames with Poppa for a conference, so she spent the morning with us!  Finnean and Hutchinson loved that, of course!

This sweet smile!

Finnean and his teacher Ms. Stephanie. 
She was a great fit for a first teacher for Finnean.  She has a very soft voice and is so encouraging to the kids.  We are thankful to have had such a great teacher for Finnean's first year of school!

Hutchinson just cracks me up!  He loves being a big boy!
Finnean wanted to get something little for his friends, so we decided to get them balloons.  They are always a hit at our house and we found out that Dollar Tree has them for a DOLLAR each!  Can't beat a deal like that.  I asked Finnean what his favorite thing was about each of his little friends.  It was so cute to hear his response and then he signed it and put their name on the front of the card.  I think his little hand writing is the cutest! 

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