
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Family Walk

We go on "family walks" as much as possible, usually everyday if we can.  I asked Finnean one day what one of his favorite things to do and he answered family walks. :)  I am so glad because it is one of my favorite things to do too.  We don't always walk the fastest but we do try to soak up as much time together and soak up the nature around us.  Tonight's walk proved to be extra awesome!  We found lots of worms after the big storm rolled through and even had a few sprinkles land on us.  There was a bit of a chill in the air but the sun was peeking out, just a little.  Mr. Golden Sun has been hiding for the entire day, so it was a nice change! Hutchinson is getting big enough that he can make it around the block without a stroller, so he gets in on the exploring too!  Here are a few pictures from our adventure.
I love this picture.  Captures all the boys on the walk.  Hutchinson is surely spying a bird, one of his favorite things to spot!

O man!! Did you just say "Awwww!!"  I did! Goodness, I am just smitten with these boys.  I love watching them interact, problem solve, play, imagine and even, not get along.  It is amazing to think that each boy with shape the others life and how they are as an adult.  I love when they learn from each other or when Finnean really plays up being Hutchinson's big brother.  One of my favorite things is when Finnean is so patient with Hutchinson and helps him get something done.  Finnean said tonight that' building with Hutchison' is one of things he loves about him.   

Hutchinson is such a copycat these days!  He does or tries to do EVERYTHING that Finnean does.  I was squatting down to get a picture of him and that is why he is squatting down.  :)  He is still pretty darn cute.  I can't get over how old he looks in these pictures.  He really loved looking at the worms and when I would tell him it was time to keep moving he would wave and say "Bye-Bye" to every worm.   Tonight he started saying Mom-Mom.  Halleluiah!  He totally made my day!  He has also started shaking his head "yes" when he actually means it!  This is a big improvement from always shaking his head "no!" He also signed his first "sentence" earlier this week by signing "more please."  It was so cute and Finnean thought it was so cool! 
After we came around the corner we saw a rainbow!  The boys LOVED it and then it kept getting brighter and brighter!  After a bit we noticed a second rainbow and Finnean that was extra awesome!  He thinks that Jesus makes the rainbows.  Michael said (not to him) well it is technically God who makes the rainbows but who are we to rain on Finnean's parade :) 
We could almost see the whole arch of the bright rainbow!  I am just fascinated by them...just so beautiful and an amazing thing to witness.

When the sun did come out, it put on a show!  The clouds made for a beautiful sky.  Rainbow on one side of us and these crazy clouds on the other.  It really made for a great walk.  So thankful for the time with my beautiful boys. 



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