
Monday, August 26, 2013

Go Cubbies!

A few weeks ago we headed to the I Cubs game with two families from our neighborhood.  It was SO fun!  I have always dreamed of having fun neighbors.  Between the three families, we have 5 little boys 6 or under.  It was a hoot!  The weather was perfect, you know where it gets just a little chilling and you need something on your arms at night?  Yes, that kind of perfect!  We attempted to stay for fireworks but our boys just got too tired.  We hadn't had any meltdowns or issues, so we decided to leave while we were ahead!  We found out later that the I Cubs did end up winning!  We bought a Groupon earlier in the year-so we had cheap tickets and our friends snagged some awesome seats for us.  We packed tons of snacks and (illegally) brought them into the game.  You would have thought that the boys hadn't had anything to eat in days.  We all shared snacks and tons of laughs.  All of the boys did great and it was such a fun night.  Here are a few pictures from our adventure! 
Hutchinson knows that you always need more cowbell!  A rare Finnean and Mom picture-sometimes he is just too cool for the camera!  Hutchinson was happy and loved the game!  Michael snapped this neat picture of the city and Finnean when they went to stretch their legs!

We have had an excess of family adventures this August.  Our schedule has been packed-just trying to sneak in as much fun as possible before we head back to school and back to a bedtime routine.  These kids have been up late more in the past few months than ever before but it has been SO FUN!  We have made so many memories and we are excited to catch another I Cubs game on Wednesday night!

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