
Monday, June 17, 2013

Saturday fun!


I snapped some pictures for a friend on Saturday morning and all the boys tagged along!  Of course I don't have any pictures of Finnean, he was too busy zooming around on his bike!  Hutchinson on the other hand was just my speed to get some great shots.  I love that sweet, chubby face.  The top small picture on the right is him trying to "smell" the flowers...he doesn't quite now how to do that yet and it is so stinky cute. 


Even thought it looked like it was going to storm we headed down to the Downtown Famer's Market.  I do not enjoy it as much as the one in Valley Junction but it was still fun!  They have some different things and we checked out some grass-fed beef places.  We are considering getting some "healthy" beef.  You know, locally raised in a respectful way and without all kinds of nasty chemicals...if anyone has any suggestion for local people...let me know!  Anyway, the rain stayed away besides a few sprinkles and we got to see Cubbie Bear!  Michael and I had our first breakfast burrito from the market ever and boy was it tasty!  I kinda wish I had one right now!  There is always a huge line for them, so you know they are good!

After the market, we headed to Costco.  Yes, we did all this before 1 pm.  It was perfect because we had samples from the store of lunch and the boys were happy as could be!  I can't get over how adorable they are in this picture!   I just want to squeeze them!

They even make snack time look cute!  What do you they look alike?  Somedays I just can't tell!?
After we took some naps we headed to a friend's house for a grill out.  It was SUPER successful!  8 kids under the age of 8(we were missing Dax, the youngest, who had a fever)!  You just never know how things are going to work out!  Tonya and Dana have an amazing backyard.  It is basically a park with a trampoline!  The boys LOVED it!  We are missing a couple from this picture but can you get over how cute these boys are!  They were devouring their ice idea. ever.  They loved it! The top picture is of the "club" ladies.  Stephanie's mom had a club growing up and it basically a group of ladies that get together regularly.  We decided to take on the name as well.  It was a lot easier than saying I am going out with Tonya, Stephanie and Kelcee or we are meeting up with all of the now when we say we have "club" our husbands know exactly what we are talking about!  Sometimes we even have family club.  I mentioned before that it can be crazy but it is fun!

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