
Friday, July 27, 2012


On June 23rd, I did something that I never thought I could do.  I ran a race!!! I completed my first 5K downtown at the Botanical Center.  It was a beautiful race path, going across the new pedestrian bridge, up in front of the Capital and back down the big hill to take in the awesome sights of the Des Moines skyline.  It was awesome.  I teared up a few times.  Running is emotional!  All of those people there running for the same cause you are, all that training that you completed and my sweet family and friends were there to cheer me on!!  It was awesome.  I did the Couch to 5K program and totally recommend it.  It was feasible and it makes you feel like you are really accomplishing something each day you run.  It was great.  I finished in 29 minutes and 44 seconds.  I ran 3.2 miles in that amount of time.  SHOCKED?  I know me too!!  I had so much fun and can't wait to do it again.  Michael and I signed up for The Color Run, so should you!! It is in October and I hope to run another race before then.  The motivation of a race is helpful in keeping up in training!
My old co-worker Nicole did the run as well, as did Jim.  It was nice to have a couple of people to stand at the starting line with.  I was so nervous right at the start!!

Finnean had the map of where I was supposed to go...of course!  Hutchinson was excited that I was running too :)

This is right at the start of the race.  The guy behind me said "WOW! You have a cheering section!!"  Thanks Michael, Finnean, Hutchinson and Marcia!! It was awesome to have people cheering for you!! Matt and Kelcee also came out to cheer me on.  They stood on the big hill up to the Capitol.  It was awesome to round the corner and see them there cheering with a handmade sign.  Did I mention that I am so blessed to have awesome people in my life?!  They also ran down the hill to cheer me on at another spot.  Thanks guys!!!

This is me coming up on the final stretch of the race.  Michael was so kind to photograph me trailing behind this older gentleman, using him as motivation (and props to him...he was hauling!!) I zipped around him to finish under 30 minutes!!  It was so fun!!!  Michael and Hutchinson were cheering at this point and then right before the finish line Finnean and Marcia were yelling loud!  It was great!!

Me and my support team!! 
As I was training, the boys would sit on the porch or be outside and cheer for me as I ran around the neighborhood.  It was pretty awesome.  Finnean thought it was pretty neat that I ran a race. 

My sweet cheerleader!!
We did it!!!
Jim walks hauls when he walks the 5K.  It is awesome because he only has one real hip.  That is why his shirt has a -1...he had a hip replacement and this keeps him active!  Way to go, Jim!  It was so fun to do the race with you!

This is just a funny picture of Hutchinson.  He is awesome at using his feet like a monkey to grab things :)

Oh, how Finnean loves Jim and Marcia!!!
They let him use Jim's camera to take pictures at the race.  I will keep them from Marcia and post them for you.  He took some really great pictures!!  We are so blessed to have them in our lives-a great support!

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