
Monday, July 16, 2012

you have got to be kidding me...three and a HALF!

Check out this big boy.  We call him Finnean. Finn. The big one. Fred.  Freddy Mac. Spiderman. Big Sugs.  Little Sugs.  Brother. Crazy. Wait no that is just how he acts sometimes :)  It is so hard to believe that Finnean is now THREE and a HALF!!  Once he turned the big 1/2, he turned into a new kid.  He plays really well with his friends and uses his words (he has tons!) to communicate better with them.  He takes turns and shares.  He is more daring and takes good risks. He plays hard and loves anything to do with sports.  He loves to be outside and would be outside all the time if he didn't need a chaperone!  He can ride a big kid bike!!  He loves his Spiderman helmet usually wears it when he doesn't actually need it.  He talks, talks and talks some more.  It is about to make a Momma call and reserve a room at the crazy house because boy, does he talk.  He loves to stall.  He is a talker. He has a smile that can melt your heart and his eyes are so curious.  It is so hard to describe them.  You can really see what he is feeling by looking in his eyes.  The other day we were walking back from getting the mail and he said "Hey Mom." I said, yes Finnean.  He said "I love you." and flashed me the biggest grin ever and his eyes just lit up.  Goodness, I love that boy. He has a soft heart and is learning about saying sorry when you hurt some one's feelings. He struggles with controlling his emotions (you're welcome, Michael Wagler-he gets that from me:) We have plenty of melt-downs but we recover.  Today he told me "I am tired from all that crying."  Me too, buddy, me too!  He likes to play with Hutchinson, just as much as he likes to take toys from him.  We are working on being nice to your brother...all.the.time!  He loves the water and loves to splash.  He loves to read and is really into maps and exploring right now.  He is soooo good at pretending. He actually has a new "friend"  We can't see him but he hangs around sometimes.  His name is Mario.  He loves candy and he wears a cyclone shirt.  He also likes ham and cheese sandwiches.  That is all we really know about him.  The only person that Finnean knows that eats ham and cheese is Grady and he just moved, so maybe Mario is filling the gap of him missing his friend Grady.  Mario comes and goes but sometimes Mario holds up the bus...we seem to be waiting on him a lot.  :)  Finnean invented a new way to eat...the "wait and eat"  Definition-I am just going to wait and eat-Finnean Wagler.  Dinner time might be the end of us.  All the talking gets in the way of eating and you can't really force him to eat, so we just try to ride it out.  He is funny.  He loves jokes and loves to make up jokes.  They don't usually make sense but we all laugh and come up with another.  He LOVES music and has been really into playing his guitar lately.  He loves to sing and can remember the words to songs.  He will just starting singing them out of the blue.  I love it.  We have music on almost all the time at our house.  Lots of dancing and singing goes on here.  Finnean is really into games right now.  It is fun because he actually can play games now.  It is one of my favorite parts of our evenings together as a family.  We can't wait to see what the next six months brings...

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